KIO agrees to stop rare earth mining in its territory

KIO agrees to stop rare earth mining in its territory

The Kachin Independence Organization (KIO) has agreed to cease all rare earth mining projects in Bhamo District. KIO Chairman General N’ban La made the commitment at a public meeting in Maija Yang on 15 April in the KIO-controlled territory of Bhamo District. More than 1,600 local people joined the meeting and heard General N’ban La make the pledge.

Local people who attended the meeting said that the KIO committed to totally stopping all rare earth extraction projects near N’ba Pa, Dingsing Pa and surrounding areas in Bhamo District.

“The Chairman said that they would discontinue all rare earth extraction projects in the N’ba Pa and Dingsing Pa area because local people do not agree with it. The Chairman said that all extraction projects will be totally stopped. In the meeting, the Chairman requested local people to send complaints in the future,” a male villager who opposed rare earth extraction projects in the area told NMG.

In September 2022, Chinese businessmen operating with permission from the KIO started rare earth extraction projects in N'ba Pa, Dingsing Pa and nearby villages in Mansi Township in Bhamo District.

Local people from N’ba Pa, Dingsing Pa, N’jun Bum, Fai Dan, Drong, Jang Mai, and Hpet Gum village in Mansi Township strongly opposed rare earth extraction in their area. Local people were worried that rare earth extraction projects would impact on their businesses, livelihoods and natural environment.

Some prominent leaders from the Kachin Baptist Convention for Bhamo District went to Laiza town and met KIO Chair Gen N'ban La in the first week of April. On April 13, about 20 Kachin CSOs released a statement demanding the KIO to stop all rare earth extraction projects in the N'ban Pa and Dingsing Pa areas.

“The Chairman announced the withdrawal of all rare earth extraction projects after giving a speech. The audience members clapped their hands and there was a feeling of happiness in the crowd. All audience members thanked the Chairman and prayed for him,” a local N’ba Pa resident who attended the meeting told NMG.

Even though the KIO Chair announced the withdrawal of rare earth extraction projects, it is still unclear when the Chinese companies and workers will leave from the mining sites.

“I feel so happy to hear the KIO government announce the withdrawal of all rare earth extraction projects in the N’ba Pa and Dingsing Pa areas. We thank the KIO government for this. We do not want rare earth extraction projects because they will impact on our livelihoods and environment, and our new generation as a whole. This is why we strongly oppose rare earth mining,” the local N’ba Pa resident who attended the meeting told NMG.

Local people and Kachin CSOs have strongly opposed rare earth mining projects in Kachin State for a long time.

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