Burma Army soldiers arrested in China

Burma Army soldiers arrested in China
by -
Hseng Khio Fah
Burmese Soldiers guarding villages in Namkham Township, northern Shan State were recently caught by Chinese authorities inside Chinese territory, according to sources.

Burmese Soldiers guarding villages in Namkham Township, northern Shan State were recently caught by Chinese authorities inside Chinese territory, according to sources.
On May 21, at 15:00, a tractor of Ai Has (25) was stopped by six soldiers to transport them through China. The soldiers were from Teung Her village, Muse Township, north of Shweli River. They had been ordered to go to Hawng Tong village, Hard Hin village tract.
A truckload of Chinese soldiers met the Burmese soldiers on the way and arrested and detained them in Ziesiang, opposite Muse and Namkham townships, a source said.
"Actually, Teung Her and Hawng Tong villages are not so far. They could go there on foot. But the motorway passes through China. That's why they were caught. Wan Hio's police authorities were called to Ziesiang yesterday to discuss about them. The Chinese are yet to release them," said a villager in Shweli region.
On May 17, Brig-Gen Hla Myint, Deputy Commander of Lashio- based Northeastern Region Command, went to Namkham and called a meeting of village headmen and ordered them to set up fences around the villages. One person from each household has to take turns to guard the village night and day. Soldiers and police were told to patrol the villages. Anyone seen near the villages and those who run away would be fired upon.
"It is so difficult for families who don't' have men, especially widows, who have to struggle for their livelihood. If they hire other people, they have to pay Kyat 6,000($ 5) per day. It is so difficult," complained a villager.
Since the secretary of Namkham Township Union Solidarity and Development Association (USDA) Sai Kyaw Myint (57) was assassinated on May 4 while campaigning for public support of the junta's draft constitution which was soundly defeated in the township, the junta has placed more security forces in Kunhai-Hard Hin village tract, north of Namkham. Hard Hin village tract is guarded by a unit commanded by Second Lieutenant Aung Tin and Kunhai village tract by another unit commanded by Lieutenant Kyaw Aung, according to a source.