Over 150 Rohingya Arrested in Thanbyuzayat, Mon State

Over 150 Rohingya Arrested in Thanbyuzayat, Mon State

In Thanbyuzayat Township, Mon State, a group of 154 Rohingya were apprehended in a rubber plantation forest.

According to local residents, 154 Rohingya were apprehended on March 24th in the rubber plantation forest of Khalaukcha Win San Village, Htinshu Village-Tract, Thanbyuzayat Township.

A person close to the Thanbyuzayat police station said, "Currently, they are still under investigation. They said they came here to go to Thailand."

When reports emerged that Rohingyas were present in the rubber plantation forest of Win San village, the responsible authorities conducted an investigation and apprehended 154 Rohingya, including men, women, and children.

Based on information from sources near the police station, the captured Rohingyas allegedly entered Mon state via waterways from Rakhine state with plans to travel to Thailand through a broker and continue onward to Malaysia.

The 154 Rohingyas who were arrested are currently being held in detention at Thanbyuzayat Township and are undergoing interrogation, as reported by sources familiar with the Thanbyuzayat police station.

On February 19 of this year, 40 Rohingya individuals were also apprehended in a thatch forest close to Wae Kali village in the Thanbyuzayat Township.

Based on the information gathered by administrative bodies, it has been reported that at least 300 Rohingya who entered townships in Mon State, such as Thanbyuzayat, Mawlamyine, Mudon, and others, by land or water, have been detained over the span of more than one year, from 2022 to 2023.

After the military coup, there are frequent arrests of undocumented Rohingya people across the country, including Mon State, and some of them are even killed on the road without the perpetrators being identified.

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