Clash erupts between Military Council and SSPP/SSA in Mongyai Shan State

Clash erupts between Military Council and SSPP/SSA in Mongyai Shan State

A fierce battle broke out between the coup Military Council and the Shan State Progress Party/Shan State Army (SSPP/SSA) in Mongyai Township, located in the Lashio District of ShanState.

According to a resident in his thirties from Mongyai, the battle began around 1:00 PM on March 11th, in the vicinity of the Koh Long bridge, which is situated near Nar San and Nar Yan villages to the west of Mongyai ward No. 1.

“During that time, SSPP members were carrying out investigations in the Koh Long area, when a police vehicle and a military car from the town approached and launched an attack on them, using both firearms and explosives. Evidence of the attack, such as shell casings, can still be found in the fields along the road”, he said.

The bridge where the battle occurred is situated on the Hsipaw-Mongyai-Lashio Union Highway, merely one mile away from Mongyai.

The eyewitness reported that the intense battle lasted for nearly an hour, with both sides receiving reinforcements during the conflict. Following the altercation, the Military Council troops withdrew back into the town.

“ After hours of intense fighting, from 1:00 PM to almost 2:00 PM, both sides received reinforcements and launched fierce attacks. Eventually, the Military Council was forced to retreat into the town, and the pace of the battle slowed down. Regrettably, the SSPP side suffered some injuries”, the source told Shan Herald.

After the fighting subsided on that day, the coup Military Council troops proceeded to conduct searches of shops, homes, and pedestrians around Koh Long from approximately 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm.

Shan Herald attempted to contact officials from SSPP/SSA regarding the skirmish but was unable to reach them despite several phone calls.

Mongyai is home to the Military Council's 325th Light Infantry Battalion and an artillery battalion.

After the coup, the National Solidarity and Peace-making Negotiation Committee (NSPNC), led by Military Council head Min Aung Hlaing and Lieutenant General Yar Pyae, engaged in discussions with the SSPP/SSA regarding the peace process in Naypyidaw, at least twice.

In January, the Military Council displayed a show of strength by flying military helicopters around the SSPP/SSA headquarters in a threatening manner.

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