KNU refutes involvement in illegal gambling new city project

KNU refutes involvement in illegal gambling new city project

The Karen National Union (KNU) released a statement on February 26th, strongly denying allegations of any involvement with the new city project in Karen State, which has become international-known for the Shwe Kokko illegal gambling complex, a criminal hub for online gambling, scamming and trafficking.

Thai media on January 17 th reported that Padoh Saw Roger Khin, a member of the KNU Central Executive Committee and the head of their Defence Department, had granted permission to Huanya International Holdings Group , to participate in a new casino project, operated by the shady overseas Chinese who have settled in the Maw Hto Talay area of Karen State.

There is major Karen involvement in the New City zone in the partnership of the ethnic Karen who operate in BGF Border Guard Force led by Colonel Saw Chit Thu under both regime’ s military command and a providing security to Chinese triads and traffickers at the Shwe Kokko casino. Their close collaboration and work with the Military Council in in joint operations against the KNU are viewed as enemies of the Karen revolution.

However recent allegations that a member of KNU leadership, Padoh Saw Roger Khin has a murky involvement as an individual, in facilitating a new Chinese project, has prompted KNU to stridently reject it .The KNU responded, “This report is false and has created a misleading impression of their organization.”

But KNU did admit that Padoh Saw Roger Khin had attended the groundbreaking ceremony together with a representative of the Chinese company Huanya Holdings in this new casino project in Maw Hto Talay on February 17th, 2020. However KNU insists that “ this was solely on behalf of the local landowners and the Karen public, and they were misled by the sign displayed at the ceremony read, “ Cooperation Signing Ceremony between KNU and Huanya International Holdings Group”.

According to their statement, the KNU is not participating in the new city project, and strictly prohibits all forms of criminal activity, including illegal financial services, from operating within Karen State.

Although there have been several complaints about the alleged involvement of Padoh Saw Roger Khin, to the KNU Central Executive Committee including 68 Karen organizations sending an open letter on February 23rd, calling for the resignation of the entire KNU Central Executive Committee.

Naw K’nyaw Paw, General Secretary of Karen Women’s Organization (KWO) told KIC, “I  pleased to hear that KNU has clarified that it has no involvement in that project, and we absolutely do not want them to be associated in any way with this sordid mess.”

Nevertheless the KNU should conduct a thorough investigation, and consider our concerns. If there is any connection to KNU, I urge them to engage in full accountability and provide a transparent disclosure to the public,"  Naw K’nyaw Paw, General Secretary of Karen Women’s Organization (KWO) told KIC.

In its statement, KNU proposed a prohibition on all its members from engaging in or assisting in any business activities that may be associated with criminal behavior. Additionally, KNU emphasized its commitment to eliminating illegal gambling businesses associated with criminal activity in Karen State, as well as its efforts towards law enforcement and the establishment of a federal democratic union.

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