NUG welcomes Singapore’s prohibition of arms transfers to Myanmar

NUG welcomes Singapore’s prohibition of arms transfers to Myanmar

The National Unity Government (NUG) has strongly welcomed Singapore's confirmation that it is prohibiting arms transfers to the illegal military junta in Myanmar.

HE. Dr. Vivian Balakrishnan, the Singapore Minister for Foreign Affairs, confirmed the existing ban in a parliamentary statement on 14 February 2023. He highlighted that it was consistent with UN General Assembly Resolution 75/287 (2021) on the situation in Myanmar, which Singapore voted for.

Dr. Balakrishnan also confirmed that Singapore would not authorise the transfer of dual-use items that are "assessed to have potential military application to Myanmar, where there is a serious risk that they may be used to inflict violence against unarmed civilians".  

Putting corporations on notice, the Foreign Minister added that Singapore would take a "very firm line" against companies who contravened its laws including those on the transfer and brokering of strategic goods and technology.

According to the Justice for Myanmar, notorious arms brokers with branches in Singapore include Star Sapphire Group, Dynasty International, Htoo Group, and MCM Group, all of which are subject to sanctions by the US, UK, Canada and/or the EU. These companies are owned by cronies who aid and abet the Myanmar military’s war  

The National Unity Government extended its sincere gratitude to the Government of Singapore for its principled stance, and to Foreign Minister Balakrishnan for his expressions of solidarity with the Myanmar people. 

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