Serious fuel shortage in Kachin State’s Hpakant, all filling stations closed

Serious fuel shortage in Kachin State’s Hpakant, all filling stations closed

Nearly all filling stations in Hpakant, Kachin State are reportedly closed and there is a severe fuel shortage in the town.

The local residents from Hpakant said that some filling stations had to be closed as the fuel transportation to the town was banned by the authorities, and the price of fuel and basic commodities were rising in the town.

The army of the Military Council has banned fuel transportation to the jade city Hpakant since early this month and then the town faced fuel shortage and the price of petrol rose to over 20,000 kyats per gallon and some had to buy the petrol at the rate of 28,000 kyats per gallon, some local residents said.

A local resident said that the military had banned all fuel transport to Hpakant at Nantyar checkpoint and also they had banned such vehicles on the Waikhar road connecting Hpakant and Indawgyi since 1 February this year.

The filling stations in Lonekhin village in Hpakant and in other nearby places had closed their businesses a week ago. A local resident from Lonekhin village said that almost all filling stations in the village had closed at present and there was severe fuel shortage in the area.

Along with the rising fuel prices, the prices of some commodities were also rising with the price of low quality rice over 80,000 kyats per bag (110lbs) and high quality Pawsan at around 150,000 kyats per bag.

The local residents from Hpakant said that the situation in the town was unstable though there were no skirmishes and engagements in the area recently.

Renewed fighting erupted in Kachin State after the 2021 military coup and the most fighting took place in Hpakant Township. The Military Council troops and Kachin Independence Army (KIA) troops are fighting in this area to control this jade mining area.

There are only two main routes which can be used for transporting fuel, passengers and other commodities to Hpakant. They are Mohnyi-Indawgyi-Hpakant Road and Mokaung-Nantyar-Hpakant. The Military Council closed Mohnyin-Indawgyi-Hpakant road indefinitely.

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