More than 50 Kawkareik people arrested since martial law imposedKaren state

More than 50 Kawkareik people arrested since martial law imposedKaren state

More than 50 people have been arrested and imprisoned since the coup Military Councildeclared martial law in Kawkareik Township in Karen State, locals said.

A resident of Kawkareik who refused to disclose his name told KIC, “According to martial law,locals are instructed not to leave the house between 7:00 pm and 6:00 am. As soon as they see people on the street who violate that rule even a little bit, they arrest them. We also heard that detainees were charged in court, were all sentenced to 6-month prison terms. Family members who want to send food to them are turned away.”, he said.

More than 50 have been arrested since Kawkareik was declared a martial law area on February 2 nd  .Among them was a policeman and a Land Registry employee. I heard that the two have been released, but I have not heard any news about the release of the others”, an employee of the Military Council told KIC.

After declaring martial law according to Article 419 of the 2008 Constitution in Kawkareik, the Military Council troops have increased patrols and inspections in the town. And some vendors who went to town market early in the morning were also arrested, locals said.

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