Two Ya Ngae villagers arrested and killed by military forces Independent Mon News Agency

Two Ya Ngae villagers arrested and killed by military forces Independent Mon News Agency
Two men killed outside of their village, by the Myanmar military
Two men killed outside of their village, by the Myanmar military

Two men from Ya Ngae Village, Thayet Chaung Township, Tanintharyi (Tenasserim) Division, located in the  Dawei District were arrested and killed by the Myanmar military soldiers, on February 7th.

At around 8:30 a.m., more than 20 members of the Burmese military entered Ye Ngae village and arrested 30-year-old Ko Paing Soe and 21-year-old Ko Phyoe Ngae Zaw in their houses.

The military forces found a homemade gun and both men were arrested and shot dead at a nearby rubber farm, reported a local resident.

“Their column entered the village road. Upon seeing two men in a yard, they entered. When they entered the house, they found a hand-made firearm and arrested both men and tied them up. But the two who were arrested did not come back. When the villagers started looking for them, they found them dead with gunshot wounds to the head,” said the resident.

According to local residents, the two men who were murdered  were civilians from Ya Ngae village, one lived in a monastery and the other worked as a rubber scraper.

The bodies of Ko Paing Soe and Ko Phyoe Ngae Zaw were cremated by family members at around 1 p.m. on February 8th.

Locals said that when the Myanmar military soldiers force entered Ya Ngae village, they also ransacked civilian homes, destroyed some property, and took a motorcycle parked at one of the homes.

Residents reported Myanmar military forces operating in Thayet Chaung Township often arrest and kill civilians, and burn houses when they enter the village.

According to Southern Monitor, a research group, more than 360 civilians in Tanintharyi Region have been killed since the military coup.

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