Former Security -Border Affairs minister rtd colonel Htein Lin appointed as Rakhine Chief Minister is tantamount to military rule

Former Security -Border Affairs minister rtd colonel Htein Lin appointed as Rakhine Chief Minister is tantamount to military rule

The junta’s appointment of a retired colonel to the post of Rakhine Chief Minister is viewed by local community, as an attempt to expand and enhance stricter military rule.

U Myo Kyaw, secretary of the Arakan League for Democracy (ALD), said that since the former Minister of Security and Border Affairs of Rakhine State retired Colonel Htein Lin was appointed as the Rakhine Chief Minister ,all organizations and revolutionary forces operating in Rakhine must be very careful.

The ALD Secretary explained "I see that they are preparing for more strategic military repression against Rakhine State. By handing position of Chief Minister to the former SBA minister-not a civilian- they are assigning their real strong man to Rakhine. They will govern from a military perspective and the security issue will dominate. I think that all organizations and revolutionary forces operating in Rakhine must be very careful and active,” he said.

U Pe Than, Rakhine veteran politician and former Pyithu Hluttaw member from Myebon township, took a similar position that this appointment was aimed at imposing stricter military rule.

“ If there is a return to fighting, it can be said that the administration of Rakhine State will be stricter. In the development activities of the state the public will be coerced more than before, and the people will suffer.”

He added that U Htein Lin, who became the new Chief Minister, served in the military for several years in Rakhine State and served as the SBA minister for 7 years, knows Rakhine extremely well. They have appointed someone who can better manage the military administration than the previous ministers, U Pe Than continued.

The Military Council announced the appointment of former Minister of Security and Border Affairs of Rakhine State U Htein Lin as Rakhine Chief Minister under Section 419 of the Constitution on February 1 with the signature of Lieutenant-General Aung Lin Dwe, Secretary of the State Administration Council (SAC).

Retired colonel Htein Lin served as the Minister of Security and Border Affairs of Rakhine State from 2011 to 2017. He also served as an army officer in the military centers of Buthidaung and Maungdaw for a long time.

On March 31, 2020, after U Htein Lin retired from the Myanmar military, he was appointed as an advisor to the President Office to recommend the peace process of the National Reconciliation and Peace Center (NRPC) by order of former President U Win Myint. It is said that on May 20, 2020, he began serving as an advisor to the Office of the President.

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