Population and household statistics on the ground are collected in some villages of Mon State

Population and household statistics on the ground are collected in some villages of Mon State

According to the District Administration officials and some local residents, on-the-ground population censuses are being collected in some villages in the jurisdictions of  Mawlamyine, Chaungzon, Mudon, Thanbyuzayat, Kyaik Hto, and Thaton in Mon State.

The Military Council has been collecting on-the-ground population statistics for the elections to be held this year. This census project is started since January 9th and it will continue in the villages.  

This work is being done by representatives from Administration and Immigration departments, and security force – Burmese Army and the local militia - are providing full security.

According to ward Administrators, no on-the- ground population census work is being undertaken in areas where there have been armed fightings between the Burmese army and joint-armed resistance forces – the ethnic resistance organizations and the people defence force in general.

In Ye and Beilin Townships, where the People's Defense Forces are strong and fightings have taken place, there has been no ground population census initiated, according to local residents.

A ward Administrator in Kyaik Hto township said, “... almost all villages have already collected the population census data. The areas under KNU control have been removed.”

In the area, where household registration has no existing, the military regime authorities order to do such a census immediately.  

According to Ma Tin Tin Hla from Lake Inn ward, Thaton Township,  “They are waiting at the top house in the neighborhood. They took the census of the rest of the houses. They checked the household list and asked. Is it there or not?”

Organizations – EROs, PDFs and the mainstream political parties those opposing the military regime, have issued warnings to stop the military’s on-the-ground population census initiative in any area and to not support the regime’s arranged elections.

Photo Caption- 2020 General Elections in November, which was held in a peaceful

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