Fighting continues in Kyainseikgyi, causing civilian casualties by junta artillery strikes

Fighting continues in Kyainseikgyi, causing civilian casualties by junta artillery strikes

On the morning of January 13, a battle broke out between the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) joint forces and the Military Council force in Ahlel village, Kyainseikgyi  Township, Kayin State.

“ There was a fight in Ahlel village around 8 o’clock this morning. Artillery has been firing into the village about 8 times. Houses in Ahlel village were also destroyed. And the KNU gate was also set on fire,” a resident told the KIC.

Two houses were hit and three local residents were injured due to the artillery fire of of regime forces in Tadaru village of Kyainseikgyi township, the local added.

“ Yesterday at 11:00 p.m., the Military Council fired artillery.In Tadaru Village, my Schoolmate’s house was hit. His grandmother, his father and his mother were also hit. Now they have arrived at Mawlamyine Hospital. There is no need to worry anymore,” the source elaborated.

Residents also said that because the fighting between the Military Council forces and the local resistance joint forces is still going on, the residents of about 5 villages around Kyainseikgyi township are fleeing from the war.

“ Currently, there are about 5 villages that are being fled. The situation is calm. We started running in the evening. When our comrades arrived in Ahlel village, the Military Council troops fled,” another resident told KIC.

Since the end of December in Kyainseikgyi Township, the fighting between the Military Council forces and the revolutionary joint forces has been on-going.Local people in the villages near Kyainseikgyi Township have had to flee from the war, and are facing difficulties in their livelihood as it has become difficult to work.

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