Mongmit residents flee in advance after Military Council jets were spotted patrolling

Mongmit residents flee in advance after Military Council jets were spotted patrolling

After spotting 5 air-force fighter jets flying on patrol in Mongmit township in northern Shan State, some residents decided to flee in advance of a probable attack.

5 fighter jets flew patrols around Ohn Kyaw village for 1 hour around 10:00 AM on November 23, hence some residents of nearby Lwe Mauk village fled to Pan Sar Say village in advance, locals said.

The base of Shan State Progress Party's armed wing, Shan State Army (SSPP/SSA), is located on the ridge where the fighter jets patrolled.

A local man in his 40s, who did not want to be named told Shan Herald, “More than 50 Lwe Mauk villagers took refuge in monasteries and schools in Pan Sar Say village, after spotting military aircrafts hovering over the area. Some of them headed to their relatives' houses. Today we saw 3 military vehicles departing from Ponkan (Mobon) village heading towards Lwe Mauk”.

Schools in Ponkan, Pan Sar Say and nearby villages in Momauk, let children return home earlier than usual after Military Council warplanes patrolled around Lwe Mauk.

“In the afternoon, the schools let the children go back early after hearing some people fleeing in advance had arrived in Pan Sar Say. Everyone was afraid because of the warplanes. Some even dug trenches and prepared beforehand”, he said.

As of November 24 no fighting has been heard in the region, but because of the activities of the Military Council, the people who fled the war have not yet dared to return to their homes. Locals are also worried that the military situation will become more intense.

In September, there was a fierce battle between the coup Military Council and SSPP/SSA at Hwe Chaung Ridge in Mongmit township. The troops that fought with the SSPP/SSA at that time were from the Military Council’s Mongmit-based 223rd, 227th Battalions and 348th Light Infantry Regiment.

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