Military clashes resume after peace talks

Military clashes resume after peace talks
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Military clashes have started again after peacetalks between the Burmese government and  the Kachin Independence Organization  in Ruili, in China’s Southwest Yunnan Province, March 8-10.

Fighting has occurred since Monday afternoon on the outskirts of Mongkoe (Monggu), in Muse district in Northern Shan State, when two government army columns with over 200 troops entered the KIO-controlled areas in the town, witnesses reported to theKachin News Group.

Local people said the military clashes are happening between the Burma Army’s Infantry Battalion No. 123 and Light Infantry Battalion No. 56, based in Kutkai, and the KIO’s special Mongkoe Battalions 36 and 38.

Burmese troops are moving to reinforce its Mongkoe base, where Laogai-based IB No. 239 is currently stationed, a KIO official in Mongkoe added.

Fightingcontinued until late evening, according to residents who heard the guns from the frontlines.

These clashes happened despite a promise from the Burmese delegation to the KIO during the talks atRuili that government troops from the frontlines with the KIO in Kachin and Shan states will be withdrawn.

Burma and KIO’s joint-statement of third China talk

(1) The two sides have satisfied the peace talks between the Union level peace-making group of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar and KIO's central delegation.

(2) The peace talks have seen progress and the two sides could build trust during the meetings.

(3) The peace talks will continue through political means.

(4) The two sides believe that military tensions would be decreased as a result of the peace talks.

(5) The two sides will continue to discuss the issues related to the outposts in conflict areas until the two sides reach an agreement and will carry on the agreement after setting dates.

 During the talk in March 8-10 at Jingcheng Hotel in Ruili, Yunnan province, eleven Burmese union level delegations was led by U AungThaung and eight KIO delegations was led by Sumlut Gam.

Both delegations agreed for follow-up talk based on joint statement however the meeting date is not set, said KIO officials.