Junta steps up arson attacks on civilian homes

Junta steps up arson attacks on civilian homes

The regime members have accelerated the burning of houses and buildings in the strongholds of revolutionary forces in recent days, the democratic activists told Than Lwin Times.

As of September 15, more than 36,000 homes and buildings have been destroyed due to arson, shelling, and raids amid armed conflicts across the country, according to a research group, Institute for Strategy and Policy (ISP – Myanmar).

Homes and buildings were frequently set on fire in August and September of this year, and villages are being burned down every day in the conflict-ridden Magway and Sagaing Regions.

A resident of Sagaing claimed that the burning of people's homes by the military council amounted to a violation of human rights and that the military was repressing the people to prevent them from supporting the PDF and refugees.

According to ISP-Myanmar's data, more than 6,200 homes and buildings across the country were burned down in August alone.

The majority of them were in Sagaing and Magwe Regions and Kachin State, and there were at least 10 villages with more than 100 burned-down houses in a single village.

Until today, there have been street protests in Sagaing and Magwe Regions in central Myanmar, and they are trying to root out the military dictatorship with armed resistance.

A resident of Magway told Than Lwin Times that despite the military group's destruction of civilian property, they will continue to carry out to topple the military dictatorship and achieve success.

At present, the military council has set up front lines in almost the entire country and faced joint attacks by the People's Defense Forces (PDF) and Ethnic Armed Organizations (EAOs).

On the other hand, the tension between the Arakan Army (AA) and Military Council became tense with the resumption of fighting, and the regime’s Light Infantry Battalion 210 set fire to Thabeikdaung village in Buthidaung Township around 9 pm on September 23.

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