Chair of Farmland Union for Chaung Pheang Village, Shot Dead

Chair of Farmland Union for Chaung Pheang Village, Shot Dead

U Pang Sein, Chair of the  Farmland union for Chaung Pyang Village located in Beilin Township, Mon State, was shot dead on July 29 at 9:00 p.m.

According to a local resident, an unknown gunman entered U Pang’s  home and shot  him.

"Two people came. One waited outside on a motorcycle. One went up to the house and shot a gun," he said.

U Pang Sein was shot in the head and chest and died on the spot. His body was brought to Beilin Township Hospital.

The Kyaikhto Revolutionary Force ( KRF) claimed responsibility for the murder.  

On July 25, there was another shooting involving two unknown people who shot and killed the Chair of the Kyoke Ya Twin Village, Beilin Township, while he was sitting at a tea shop.

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