Myanmar junta using airstrikes to defend Ukrihta Camp in Karen State

Myanmar junta using airstrikes to defend Ukrihta Camp in Karen State

The Military Council is assisting with airstrikes to defend Ukrihta military base near Wale Township, Southern Myawaddy, Karen State, to prevent the base from collapsing, said Military Council Spokesperson Zaw Min Tun at a press conference in Naypyitaw on 1 July.

“Due to opening fire with heavy weapons and airstrikes, the ethnic armed groups and people’s defense forces have not seized the Ukrihta military base yet,” he added.

He also stated that the junta apologized for one fighter jet from Myanmar crossing into Thailand’s air space while carrying out airstrikes.

The clashes have been ongoing since the third week of June and the people from nearby villages are fleeing due to the junta using airstrikes multiple times.

The fighting between the junta forces and resistance groups has been intense.

“After the coup, the Military Council fired heavy artillery and used airstrikes to crush the PDFs and also set fire villages across Myanmar,” said CDM captain Zinyaw, a member of the resistance.

While the battle of Ukrihta appears to be getting out of hand, the Myanmar junta has told visiting delegations from Cambodia and Thailand that they are seeking peace and attempting to implement the five-point consensus agreed with ASEAN last year.

While meeting with ASEAN Special Envoy on 30 June, coup leader Min Aung Hlaing stated that he is implementing this policy and that “nothing is more precious than human life”.

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