Ten Civilians Arrested including One CDM Teacher in Pindaya Township

Ten Civilians Arrested including One CDM Teacher in Pindaya Township

It is reported that at least ten civilians, including one civil disobedience movement (CDM) participant teacher in Pindaya township, Southern Shan State, were arrested by the military junta.

During the night of 1 June 2022, the military junta soldiers came into the city of Pindaya and its surrounding villages to search and investigate civilians and arrested people from those villages.

“They (SAC soldiers) came around 8 – 9 P.M, and it was during the blackout hours. The SAC soldiers and police started coming into Kyauk Ta Lone village and arrested 1 person from that village. Then, they arrested 4 people from Kyauk Su village, 1 from Taung Paw Kyi village, 1 from Htwaik Ni village, 1 from the city Haw Kone ward, 1 from Say Tan ward, and another CDM teacher,” a resident told SHAN.

The military junta also threaten the family and its neighbors that kept the CDM teacher for supporting the CDM teacher and not informing the military junta.

According to the residents, the military junta soldiers came to make the arrests according to the information given by their informants in the wards and villages, and they drove out of the area at a fast speed around 1 A.M.

The residents also added that the military junta is continuously arresting and torturing anyone suspicious these days, and their daily lives are full of anxieties and worries.

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