Pathein Prisoners Join Protest Against Military Regime

Pathein Prisoners Join Protest Against Military Regime

Prison authorities have sent five political prisoners in Irrawaddy region to solitary confinement for leading a protest against the military regime during the 'Regathering for the Six Two Twos Revolution' on 22 February 2022.

Last year, three weeks after the junta overthrew the democratic government in Burma, people took to the streets during a massive general strike known as the 'Five Twos Revolution'.

According to a staff member at Pathein Prison, before being isolated for protesting, the prisoners shouted "We don't want military dictatorship" and "Let's revolt against the military dictator" while covering their cheeks with Thanakha, which comes from ground tree bark and helps cool the skin.

People protesting in the Southeast Asian country last week rubbed Thanakha on their faces and wore hats made of bamboo.

NMG was able to confirm that Si Thu and Aung Aung from Kangyi Htaung, as well as Win Tun Naing from Pathein, were taken into solitary confinement for their involvement in the prison protests, but couldn't confirm the names of the other two prisoners.

There are 350 political prisoners in the prison, including 40 women who took part in last week's protests, supported by other prisoners convicted of non-political offences.

A prison official told NMG on condition of anonymity that solitary confinement in a narrow, cramped cell the harshest punishment for prisoners in gaol.

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