Despite threats 'no' vote leaflets being distributed

Despite threats 'no' vote leaflets being distributed
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Sai Sein Kyi
Although the SPDC authorities have threatened locals to dissuade them from casting  'No' votes with three years in prison and 100,000 Kyat in fines since February in Nang Kham, northern Shan State, local youth are into a 'No' vote campaign and distributed leaflets in the end of April, said a source on the China border.

Although the SPDC authorities have threatened locals to dissuade them from casting  'No' votes with three years in prison and 100,000 Kyat in fines since February in Nang Kham, northern Shan State, local youth are into a 'No' vote campaign and distributed leaflets in the end of April, said a source on the China border.

A network of 500 Shan youth have distributed and stuck posters saying "Ruili (Shweli) Plain Youths are against the SPDC's holding the May 10 referendum for the draft constitution" and "Don't be stupid Shan people like before, grow up as patriots, awake the Panglon spirit to go against the SPDC's constitution," said a young patriot from Nang Kham.

"The pamphlets were pasted on April 30. We put it up in Namphetkar tract, 105 mile gate, downtown Muse, Pang Hsai, Nang Kham, Weing Mai, Mam Hsho tract, and near villages. Policemen, firefighters, Red Cross members and Swanarr-shin tore the posters at night," added the youth.

Rehearsal for casting of votes were done last week in Nang Kham, forcing TPDC chairman U Tin Hlaing to warn village headmen from 48 village tracts on April 30 that there were too many 'No' votes in the mock polling.

"In the rehearsal most people cast 'No' votes. There must not be no 'No' votes on the real voting day on May 10. If a 'No' vote is found, you and I will be sacked from our jobs. Convince people to cast 'Yes' votes," U Tin Hlaing said at the meeting. The largest number of 'No' vote came from Mang Haung tract, the second largest was from Hsel Hai tract, and the third was from Naung Khan tract, said a Nang Kham local.

"Kyat 40 lakhs have been given to constituent commissions for use in 48 village tracts. About 5,000 Kyat per village tract were delivered on May 1. After May 10, 3,000 Kyat will be give to each clerk," said the same local.

The Muse TPDC chairman U Nyunt Han and Nang Kham TPDC chairman U Tin Hlaing have sent an advance report to the northeastern military commander. In the report they have mentioned that 80 per cent of supporting votes would come from locals in the May 10 referendum. On the other hand, they have threatened locals that they would be sent to three years in prison and fined 100,000 Kyat fines for voting 'No'.