Burma Civil Society Groups: “It is not the UN Special Envoy’s Role to Keep Our Oppressors in Power…”

Burma Civil Society Groups: “It is not the UN Special Envoy’s Role to Keep Our Oppressors in Power…”

International and regional civil society groups strongly reject recent comments made by the UN Special Envoy to Burma Dr. Noeleen Heyzer’s calling for pro-democracy opposition to the military coup to compromise and power share with the military appointed State Administration Council.

Dr. Heyzer’s comments were made during an interview with Channel News Asia (CNA) on 31st January 2022, a day before the anniversary of the February 1st military coup. Dr. Heyzer’s comments were later claimed by the UN Special envoy office as a ‘misunderstanding’.

On February 1st, The European Karen Network (EKN) issued a statement rejecting Dr. Heyzer’s proposal for “power sharing with the military council” and said the statement showed the “UN Special Envoy is not listening to the people of Burma and has no real understanding that the military is a root cause of most problems in the country.”

Nan Kyi Aye, the EKN chairperson said; “The Burmese military have been attacking the Karen people for more than 70 years. They have committed countless violations of international law against us. It is not the role of the UN Special Envoy to try to find a way to keep our oppressors in power.”

Nan Kyi Aye pointed out that the goal of the UN Special Enjoy must be to immediately remove the Burmese military from power, instead of pushing to keep the military in power.

The European Karen Network explained that even though Burma’s military power-shared before the coup with the NLD-led government, attacks against ethnic people never stopped and there was no real reform.

Nan Kyi Aye said the entire military infrastructure has to be dismantled for Burma to be able to truly work towaards a genuine peace where human rights are respected.

Nant Helen Buhtoo, EKN’s co-chair said, “If there is one lesson the international community should have learnt following the horrific events of the past year, it is that the military will never act in the best interests of the people of Burma. Our country will have no future until the military is only part of our past.”

Nant Helen Buhthoo said that even though the UN Special Envoy argued the military is in control now and need to be part of negotiations, it needs to be acknowledged the military is out of control, slaughtering civilians and committing atrocities daily and is not in control of Burma.

On 2nd February, 247 civil society organizations put out a statement rejecting the UN Special Envoy’s proposal and urged her if she is genuinely committed to a ‘Myanmar-led process’ she must “understand the root causes of the current crisis and genuinely listen to the calls of the people of Myanmar. Their calls have been clear. The military must never rule.”

The 247 civil society organizations demanded the UN Special Envoy, mandate holders, UN agencies, funding programs “to support the calls of the people of Myanmar and their efforts towards a future federal democratic Myanmar – respect their will and work to ensure that the military is never again allowed to have power.”

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