2nd Mon Youth Conference will Approve Youth Policy

2nd Mon Youth Conference will Approve Youth Policy

The Mon Youth Policy will be approved at the 2nd Mon Youth Conferencewhich will be  held in the coming days.

The 2nd Mon Youth Conference has been postponed several times in recent years. An outbreak of the Covid epidemic throughout Mon State was the cause one year, and more recently the military coup.  This year the conference  will be held in Thaton District and will run from January 27th-29th. About 150 Mon youth representatives are expected to attend.

 MYF Mon Youth Advisor Nai Nyan Seik Rehman told the Mon News Agency "there are only three goals for the event. The first is to approve the Mon Youth Policy at the conference. The second is to decide how to organize the Mon Youth Meeting including selecting the people who will be in charge. The third goal is  the process of building trust and solidarity amongst young people."

The Mon Youth Forum (MYF) will lead the event.  MYF is  a coalition of civil society and local youth representatives from various youth organizations such as Mon political Parties, Literature and Culture committees , Armed Uprising , and the Progressive Mon Youth Organization (MYPO).

"Now that this conference is over, a policy for our Mon youth will emerge and a Mon Youth Meeting Committee will be formed to take the lead in implementing the project. The committee will be responsible for implementing the agenda set by the conference. But as this is just a policy, it still takes time to develop strategies and tactics to implement the process. This will be led by a committee that will be formed in the future.” Said Nai Nyan Seik Rehman.

The first Mon Youth Seminar  was held on December 28, 1946 in Mawlamyine, which is when the Mon Armed Uprising began. The first Mon Youth Conference was held from May 1 to 3, 2014, with around 500 youth representatives from Tanintharyi, Bago, Yangon, Karen and Mon states attending.

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