Acute water crisis in Lada camp

Acute water crisis in Lada camp
by -
kaladan Press

Teknaf, Bangladesh: Water has been in short supply since April this year at the unofficial Lada refugee camp, according to a camp leader who declined to be named.

Muslim Aid UK manages Lada Camp and also provides it with healthcare programs. Solidarity UK was working on a sanitation program in the camp, according to an NGO official from Lada.

“The camp is having water troubles. One reason is that local residents outside the camp are blocking waterways and drainage canals. These locals are preventing the supply of water from reaching us,” the NGO official said.

“Solidarity UK stopped their project in the camp after difficulties with locals and their political leaders. But, it is the refugees who are facing the shortage.”

Muslim Aid UK, despite its management role as lead NGO, has not been able to resolve the water issue, said a refugee leader from the camp.

“There are more than 12,000 refugees here, but the management only provides eight water stations. We can only fill two pots per day,” said one woman, Sara Khatoon.

“At present, the refugees are not able to cook their food; they are unable even to take baths or to wash their clothes. Also, locals prevent us from getting water in their areas,” said Amina, a camp resident.

There are some reports of refugee women being harassed by locals when they’ve tried to fetch water from streams in the area.

In addition, camp children are experiencing a number of skin diseases because of the continuing water crisis and overall unhealthy conditions. Malaria, typhoid and other serious illnesses are on the rise. On top of that, the drains in the camp are blocked and will have to be cleared, according to an anonymous camp committee member.