Complaint to Naypyidaw over Christian Cross demolition in Chin state

Complaint to Naypyidaw over Christian Cross demolition in Chin state
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Khonumthung News

A complaint was filed by local Chin Christians from the northern and eastern bridge of Mung River in Kanpetlet Township, Southern Chin state to Naypyidaw on November 9 regarding demolition of Christian crosses.


The complaint letter was passed by Chin state assembly comprising 18 assembly representatives of the state to be submitted in Naypyidaw, the new capital of Burma in 8 November.

The cross was destroyed by some Cin Dwei villagers of Kanpetlet Township on July 28, 2011. A woman’s sex organ was also painted on the destroyed Cross. Local Christians had built it two years ago.

“This tantamounts to insulting the local Christian community and we assume that the action was a result of an agitation by some people,” said a representative of the Chin assembly from Hakha, the capital of Chin state.

It is learnt that most Kanpetlet people are Christians, Buddhists and of other religious denominations.

The new government of Burma’s constitution in article (364) says that the abuse of religion for political reasons is forbidden. Moreover, any act which is intended or is likely to promote feelings of hatred, enmity or discord between racial or religious communities or sects is contrary to this Constitution. A law may be promulgated to punish such activity.

The complaint was signed by Mr. Hung Ngai, Chief Minister of Chin state, Mr. Zozam, President of Chin National Party, Mr. No Sum, Mr. Lal Maung Cung, Mr. Chan Pum, Mr. Ram Mang, Mr. Ki Thang Lyn, Mr. Kui Thang, Mr. Na Thang, Mr. Nan Saih, Mr. Kyaw Ngein, Energy, Mining and Forestry, Mr. Ohn Lyn, Mr. Hau Khin Kham, Mr. Cin Lian Pau, Mr. Nan Za Mung, Mr. Van Cin and Mr. Ning Naing.

A copy of the complaint letter was sent to the Chairman of Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, Chairman of Pyithu Hluttaw, Chairman of the Upper House, Chairman of the Lower house, Union Minister, Minister of Religions, Chin state Chief Minister, Social Minister of Chin state, the government of Chin state and the representatives of Chin state. Khonumthung news