33 temporary schools for Muslim displaced children in Arakan

33 temporary schools for Muslim displaced children in Arakan
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The authority has planned to construct 33 temporary schools for the children of Muslim refugees’ camps in Arakan State of western Burma.

“Among those 33 schools, 15 are being constructed for Sittwe township, 7 for Pauk Taw township, four each for Mrauk U & Kyauk Taw township and two each for Kyauk Pru and Rambree township,” informed a reliable source in Arakan State government.

Some educated Muslim individuals will also be appointed in these schools by the State education department, informed U Win Mying, an Arakan State government spokesperson.

It was realized that the children from the Muslim refugee camps were unable to attend classes in nearby local schools in 2013-2014 education year due to the security reason. Hence the authority has erected the temporary schools for those deprived children with an aim to enlighten them like other children across the country.

The final phase of construction for those schools will be completed by the beginning of June 2013. It may be mentioned that the Myanmar education year starts in the month of June itself and hence it is believed that the deprived children would not miss classes.