Bauk Ja to sue Chinese company building Myitsone Dam project

Bauk Ja to sue Chinese company building Myitsone Dam project
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(Interview) – Despite President Thein Sein’s decision to halt the Myitsone dam project, National Democratic Force member Bauk Ja said that she would sue China Power Investment Corporation for losses and damages on the project.

Bauk Ja has collected signatures from states and regions located along the Irrawaddy River for a signature campaign against the dam project.

Mizzima correspondent Phanida talked with Bauk Ja about her opinion of President Thein Sein’s decision to halt the project during his tenure and other issues surrounding the dam project.

Question: What is you think about President Thein Sein’s decision to halt the Myitsone dam project?

Answer: A temporary suspension is not certain [that the dam will stop permanently]. It seems that they have acceded acceded to people’s request because they are afraid that people will stage an uprising. They did not say the project has been completely stopped.
Q: What do you want to happen regarding the dam project?

A: We want China to stop the dam construction. Just temporarily acceding to people’s request is like giving a child a snack to make the child silent. We cannot be quieted. If the suspension is just temporary, people cannot celebrate. They will be in suspense, wondering when it [the construction] will start again. If the government is concerned about citizens’ welfare, the project should be halted permanently and we should cancel the contract with China, then the people will be satisfied. 
Q: If the contract between the Burmese government and the Chinese government is cancelled, what could happen?

A: China may ask for compensation. If the [Burmese government] cancels the contract, they may demand compensation.
Q: Will you stop conducting your campaign against the Myitsone Dam project?

A: We will continue. We will do it until [the authorities] stop the project [permanently]. We will sue China’s CPI Company because many things in the area were damaged. We will sue it to prevent it from continuing the project.
Q: Do you think people are happy because the president has decided to halt the project after people raised widespread objections?
A: They cannot be happy because it’s just a temporary suspension. If the project is completely cancelled, we will be very happy. Temporary suspension makes me more worried. And it’s not sure whether they really will halt the project. Despite their words about halting the project, they may continue the project [secretly]. And we cannot guess how they will negotiate [with China]. It’s not just Myitsone Dam. We want the authorities not to build any dam along the Irrawaddy River. They never satisfy the demands of the people. Because of their dishonest actions, people find it hard to trust them.
Q: So, how can you prove that they are worthy of trust?

A: Regarding fighting, although they say they will try their best to establish peace, they are fighting bitterly [in ethnic areas]. That shows who they really are. They did it [the Myitsone announcement] because they are afraid of a mass uprising.Bauk Ja to sue Chinese company building Myitsone Dam project