Northern commander, senior office test positive for COVID-19

Northern commander, senior office test positive for COVID-19

Some senior military officers of the Myanmar junta, including the commander of northern command, tested positive for COVID-19, according to sources of Mizzima media.

Commander Brigadier-General Myat Thet Oo in Kachin State and the General Staff Officer Grade 1 and the General Staff Officer Grade 2 were found to be infected with the deadly virus.

They have been kept in quarantine since four days ago for intensive medical treatment by military doctors at the Melikha Guesthouse of the command.

Other confirmed cases found in contract tracing are receiving medical treatment.

The area of command headquarters is strictly restricted to hide the outbreak.

The commander was transferred from the 77th Light Infantry Division based in Bago Region to the northern command after the military coup.

There were 45 new cases of COVID-19 in Kachin State on 5 July. Among them, there are 13 cases in Myitkyina Township, according to the report by the junta’s Ministry of Health and Sports.

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