Some allowed to vote in advance due to emergencies

Some allowed to vote in advance due to emergencies
by -
Khonumthng News
Some individuals in Chin state, Burma have already begun to exercise their franchise to approve the draft constitution in the referendum ahead of May 10, the officially scheduled date for voting across the country.

Some individuals in Chin state, Burma have already begun to exercise their franchise to approve the draft constitution in the referendum ahead of May 10, the officially scheduled date for voting across the country.
Local authorities in Chin state were said to have allowed some persons who needed to travel for further studies or for emergencies to cast their votes in quarters or village council offices in their respective areas since April 15.
"I've already submitted my ballot paper in an envelope to the village council members who were appointed as sub-commission to monitor voting for the constitutional referendum," a voter who arrived in Rangoon, the former capital of Burma said.
On behalf of the so called "emergency voters", the village or quarter authorities will put the ballots in envelopes and drop it into a ballot box set up in respective towns and villages on May 10
The voters did not mention whether they had voted "No" or "Yes" for security concerns.
The local authorities in Matupi Township in Chin state had issued some ballots to some students and travelers as an emergency case, a student who arrived in Mandalay, second capital of Burma said.
Some Burmese citizens abroad like in Japan and Singapore had already begun voting for the constitutional referendum in their country's embassies.
Around 12 Burmese demanding the right to vote were injured in a scuffle with Japanese police outside the Burmese Embassy in Tokyo on Sunday.
Meanwhile, Burmese democracy activists in exile staged a peaceful demonstration in front of Burmese embassy in Singapore and Thailand urging people to vote "No" against the draft constitution.