KNU Concerned Group Calls for Strong Opposition for a United Karen Armed Force to Oppose Military Coup

KNU Concerned Group Calls for Strong Opposition for a United Karen Armed Force to Oppose Military Coup

The KNU Concerned Group was formed in 2017 and included senior KNU leaders, including former KNU vice chairperson Naw Zipporah Sein. The Concerned Group issued a statement on February 3 calling for the military coup to be strongly opposed. The Groups said it opposed the military forcibly taking power and called for all Karen armed groups to stand as a united force with the Karen National Liberation Army.

Brigadier General Saw Ner Dah Mya, a spokesperson for the group told Karen News. “The military’s claim of blaming election fraud is a blatant lie.”. This is a deliberate fraud by the Burma military to take power from the people. Pressure must be put on them.”

The KNU Concerned Group said in its statement they strongly condemn the action of the Burma military’s coup stripping political authority from the National League for Democracy’s (NLD) election in November 2020.

The KNU Concerned Group said it does not accept the administration formed by the military after the coup and in the Karen Revolutionary Area, the Karen National Union will act in accordance with the system of self-determination as laid out in the Kaw Thoo Lei administration system established by the KNU.

The KNU Concerned Group urged all Karen Armed groups such as the Democratic Karen Benevolent Army, KNU / KNLA-Peace Council, Border Guard Force [in Karen State], to work with the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) as a united Karen Armed Force to protect the Karen people.

The statement also demanded the international community not recognize the junta.

Students, youth and religious groups, including NCA signatories ethnic armed groups in Burma, as well as people from Burma in foreign countries strongly protest against the military coup. The international community has called for immediate release of State Counselor Aung San Suu Kyi and other detainees.

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