The country will collapse if the NLD runs it alone

The country will collapse if the NLD runs it alone
by -
Sai Tun San (MNA)

An interview with U Naing Tin Aung, Chair of the Mon Unity Party (MUP)


The Mon News Agency (MNA) interviewed U Naing Tin Aung, Chair of the Mon Unity Party (MUP) which secured 12 seats in the recent elections, about cooperation with the ruling NLD for building up a federal democratic union, the future plan for ethnic equality and the formation of a new government.


Q: The NLD is planning to discuss with the ethnic parties on the building up of a federal union. What is the MUP view on it?


A: We have received the NLD’s letter. But it is only a notification letter. A: But we need to think about the NLD’s attitude towards ethnics. The discussions are required. The current situation in Myanmar is very important. Bamar politicians have turned a blind eye to ethnic affairs for 70 years. For the practical implementation, we need to build local peace and the federal democratic union and implement the Panglong Agreement.

Q.- A three-member team by the NLD has been set up to find out the objectives of ethnic parties. Is this a positive step?

A . The formation of a three-member team by the NLD to know the aims of ethnic peoples  is a bit strange. Ethnic peoples have shown their aspirations with blood. They have long been engaging in both the armed struggles and the peace processes for more than 70 years. They are demanding equality and self-determination. I think the team should not be formed. The rounds of 21st Century Panglong Conference have been held four times. No results have come out yet.

Q- What will you do then?

A The MUP has a plan to make an alliance with other ethnic parties. Doing the politics calls for more alliances. We have no narrow racial view. Our party has a view of amity and unity among different ethnics. We welcome the NLD, if the NLD is on the right political path. I think the NLD turned a blind eye to ethnics in the past.

Q: Do you think that the ethnic parties will be granted equal rights in discussions with the NLD?

A: We will not hold the discussions, if we do not enjoy equal rights. To be clear, equality and self-determination must be recognized to build the future Myanmar.  We have no reason to engage in the discussion, if the government has no such desires. The government will do the thing it wants, as it has authority.

The MUP has no plan to hold the discussion, as the talks are not based on equality. We cannot hold the discussions in the form of NLD issuing their orders and their plan.

Q: Does the MUP want the government to appoint the winning candidates in the government as the MUP secured more seats in the recent elections.

A: We want the government to discuss the political problem and ethnic affairs first. There will be cooperation if the discussion between the two parties on ethnic affairs is ok. We will also make cooperation in parliament as well as in the government.

Q: May I know your view on the NLD’s plan to form the national unity government? Will the MUP discuss it when meeting with the NLD?

A: The formation of a national unity government is usually carried out only when a country is in a very tight corner. No country forms the National Unity Government under normal circumstances. The NLD secured up to 82 per cent in the recent election. That’s why the NLD can form the government it wants, without inviting other parties. The form of the national unity government deals with overcoming a general crisis.

Q: Do you have anything to add?

A: We can only stop the civil wars, when there is national unity. We need to build the federal system quickly. The government needs to recognize equality and self-determination. The 2008 Constitution needs amendments. The constitution must be accepted by the public, and meet international standards. Once that happens the situation in Myanmar will become better.

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