Fifty Muslims starve for a week after boat runs out of fuel at sea

Fifty Muslims starve for a week after boat runs out of fuel at sea
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About 50 Muslims survived when their boat drifted into a costal Mon village in southern Mon state after they faced drastic food shortage for a week and their boat ran out of fuel in the middle of the sea.

About 50 Muslims survived when their boat drifted into a costal Mon village in southern Mon state after they faced drastic food shortage for a week and their boat ran out of fuel in the middle of the sea.

According to Hnitkayin villagers, Lamine Sub Township , the boat carrying them drifted to their village beach early yesterday morning.

An eyewitness told IMNA, a majority of the Muslims cannot speak Burmese and villagers helped them with food and money. She estimated that there were about 50 men and most were young.

Local villagers believed that they are from Arakan State , western Burma .

"Yesterday evening our village headman and the police took them to Thanpyuzayart Township authorities to send them back home," she added.

The group told villagers they are were going further south of Burma .

Three are still in the village because they came to the village later.

According to a villager, this is the first time that a group of Muslims have drifted to their village beach.