KIA destroys main bridge to Taping dams

KIA destroys main bridge to Taping dams
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Kachin News Group

The Kachin Independence Army (KIA) destroyed the bridge used for deploying more Burmese troops to the front  where recent battles were fought near two hydro power plants at the Ta Hkaw Hka River (Taping River), in N’mawk (Momauk) Township, at midnight on June 13th.


The strategically important bridge spanning the Nam Hpak Hka Stream which connects the two hydropower plants, was located between Bhamo (Manmaw) and N’mawk Township.
nam-hpak-hka-bridge-eng“This small stream (Nam Hpak Hka) flowing from the top of a hill is too strong now and floods the area. So, it’s not possible to cross by foot or with a raft. The bridge was constructed by the company when building the hydroelectric power project and it was a temporary bridge strong enough for trucks to cross,” the Civilian Administration Officer of the KIO, from Laiza HQ, told Thailand-based Kachin News Group.

The destruction of the bridge is making it difficult to transport Burmese troops to the area.