NMSP and KNU/KNLA-PC clash related to drug arrest

NMSP and KNU/KNLA-PC clash related to drug arrest

Two members of the KNU/KNLA-PC were arrested and detained for drug distribution by the NMSP in Karen State, Kawkareik township, near the Min Ywa Village. This location is within the controlled area of the New Mon State Party (NMSP).

According to 1995 and 2012 agreements the NMSP were allowed to set up a battalion in Thaton District in Min Ywa Village [Kawkareik township], covering villages within a 5 mile radius.

The NMSP’s 4th Battalion based in Thaton District, Kawkareik Township and 10 KNU / KNLA-PC troops clashed for about 15 minutes at the entrance of Min Ywa village road in the early morning of October 11.

There were no casualties but a vehicle belonging to the KNU/KNLA-PC was hit by an artillery shell.

Nai Kun Sike, NMSP Thaton District Secretary, said, “ We arrested two ( KNU / KNLA-PC) on September 24 in our area with drugs and handguns. The Peace Council also told us that a “Saw Thura” who had been arrested, had been expelled from their group. Last year, the Peace Council signed an agreement with us.  [At that time, it was known] that this Saw Thura was selling drugs, and was not to enter NMSP territory. We have records regarding Saw Thura. Due to this reason an arrest was made when they entered our area by force and began shooting.”

He added that after the clash , KNU / KNLA-PC troops withdrew and the NMSP cleared the area, when a damaged truck was found.

NMSP officials maintain the incident violated an understanding regarding troop movements within their controlled areas. It has been understood that KNU / KNLP – PC troops should provide notification if they wish to enter NMSP-controlled areas.

“I said at a recent meeting that if their troops enter our area because of the crisis, they should be notified in advance. Their group was sleeping in Min Yaw village last night in full uniform and they did not inform us. Another group of about 10 troops came from Pai Rap village to Min Ywar village in full uniform and opened fire near the entrance of Ala village, ” said Nai Kun Sike .

NMSP and KNU / KNLA-PC officials met on October 8 at the NMSP liaison office in Moulmein to discuss the Saw Thura case.

Saw Ngwe Tun, an officer from the Karen Peace Council’s Battalion 699 explained the incident occured because, “When we picked up three boys who were left in Min Ywa, we informed the village chief, [but] we did not get a connection with NMSP,  so we informed Mon Nyein (Mon Disarmament Group) to call back our people. We did not come to fight.”

Saw Ngwe Tun told the Mon News Agency they  hoped to get back their car that was hit by the artillery shells as a result of the clash.

There is now fear of continued hostilities, and the area is now off limits.

The leadership of NMSP and the KNU/KNLA-PC will meet in Mawlamyine to discuss this recent incident.

It is known that some members of the Karen and Mon Armed Forces are involved in drug trafficking.

New Mon State Party (NMSP) officials have noted that drug trafficking arrests are on the increase during the Stay at Home orders related to the epidemic.

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