Tatmadaw expands its presence in KNU controlled-area

Tatmadaw expands its presence in KNU controlled-area

Sai Oo — The Karen National Union (KNU) General-Secretary Saw Ta Doh Moo told the Mon News Agency that the Tatmadaw has expanded its forces within the area of KNU control, for election security reasons.

“They increased two battalions in Hpapun and also the 7th Brigade increased by two, last month. When we asked them, they said [it was for] security [reasons] for the election,” said Saw Ta Doh Moo.

He added, the expansion of troops during the election would not be convenient.

Saw Ta Doh Moo said, “On the other hand, I think government troops can vote, I don’t know why they do not stay in their place. I think they will set up the polling station in our place.  But it is very inconvenient to increase the number of troops during the election period.”

According to the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA), parties to the agreement  cannot operate, expand or re-energize their troops within areas controlled by  other groups.  Despite this component of the NCA, there have been other instances where the Tatmadaw has expanded its military presence.

The Kachin Independence Army (KIA) Minister of Security and Border Affairs had written to the Tatmadaw to withdraw two camps in Chipwi, Kachin State. A local parliamentary candidate told the media that tensions are high on both sides.

Although the  Tatmadaw extended its ceasefire until the end of September, this does not apply to Rakhine State, where they are still fighting with the four northern allies that include the Kachin Independence Army (KIA), Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA), the Arakan Army, and the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA).

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