KWAT urges people to cast "No" vote

KWAT urges people to cast "No" vote
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Kachin News Group
The Kachin Women's Association Thailand (KWAT) today urged citizens to cast the "No" vote in the ensuing referendum on the constitution to be held on May 10. It released its vote "No" campaign letter in Kachin language that was released earlier by the Women's League of Burma on April 4, 2008.

The Kachin Women's Association Thailand (KWAT) today urged citizens to cast the "No" vote in the ensuing referendum on the constitution to be held on May 10. It released its vote "No" campaign letter in Kachin language that was released earlier by the Women's League of Burma on April 4, 2008.

"The reason for campaigning regarding vote "No" is that the constitution the Burmese military junta is  trying to approve through the referendum is drafted with handpicked people of the regime and does not reflect the people's desire and  rights" said Mary, spokesperson of KWAT.

The campaign letter, says "the newly drafted constitution which is to be approved in the forthcoming referendum is exclusively drafted by the Burmese military junta and does not reflect the opinions and attitudes of the 1990 election winning parties, ethnic leaders and the people's desire. It is merely designed to legalise military rule. Women will continue to suffer from the injustices, discrimination and violence including sexual violence if this constitution is approved."

"We, the Kachin people have suffered for over 40 years under military dictatorship. The education and health sectors and the economy have deteriorated under the dictatorship. We have migrants working in neighbouring countries, and women are trafficked to other countries," Mary said.

"For these reasons, we of the KWAT urge the people to go the polling stations and cast a "No" vote in the forthcoming referendum for the sake of democracy in the future," she added.