LID 88 and KIA Clash in Muse

LID 88 and KIA Clash in Muse

The Burma Army’s Light Infantry Division (LID) 88 and the Kachin Independence Army’s (KIA) Brigade 6 engaged in clashes in northern Shan State’s Muse Township on Friday and Saturday.

A KIA officer told KNG that LID 88 had attacked the KIA’s Bum Pri Bum camp, belonging to Battalion 9 under Brigade 6, southeast of Muse town. The fighting reportedly started at around 11:00 a.m. on Friday.

“Clashes are really intensifying. The Burma Army has sent reinforcement troops into the area,” the KIA officer said on the condition of anonymity. “The Burma Army also attacked the KIA camp with artillery, so the KIA forces withdrew from their camp.”

Locals described LID 88’s activities in the area as “clearance operations.” The term has been used throughout Burma’s ethnic states to describe military offensives that include widespread civilian displacement and allegations of war crimes.

According to the KIA officer, LID 88 has been deployed between Muse and Namkham townships. Additionally, LID 99 has been deployed between Muse and Hpawng Seng and LID 22 has been deployed between the ethnic Kokang and Wa regions.

The Chinese military has also reportedly had recent movements along the border area between Shan State and China.

The KIA is a member of the negotiation body the Federal Political Negotiation and Consultative Committee. The organization has not signed the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement with the government and military, but has engaged in negotiations regarding a bilateral ceasefire.

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