Youth group distributes 'Vote No' leaflets

Youth group distributes 'Vote No' leaflets
by -
Hseng Khio Fah
At midnight, on April  16, leaflets urging people to vote against the junta's draft constitution on the May 10 referendum were seen on the streets in Namkham, northern Shan State, according to sources.
At midnight, on April  16, leaflets urging people to vote against the junta's draft constitution on the May 10 referendum were seen on the streets in Namkham, northern Shan State, according to sources.
"Some people agreed with the contents of the leaflets while some were afraid to keep the leaflets so they tore them into pieces," said a civilian who wished to be anonymous.
The name Moe Pyar (Blue Sky) was written on top of the leaflets. They talked about the first president of Burma Prince Sao Shwe Thaike of Yawnghwe, Gen Ne Win and Senior General Than Shwe. The paper urged people not to support the referendum.
The leaflet said," Oh, people of Shan State, don't allow yourself to be conned for the second time". (Panglong where Shans, together with Kachins and Chins, joined hands with Burma to launch the struggle for joint-independence,  is generally regarded as the first con.)
However, there is as yet no response from the authorities concerning the leaflets, according to a source.
In March, officers from the Township Peace and Development Council called on the people to support the junta's draft constitution. They were threatened with three years in prison of they fail to comply with the order.
"The leaflets signify that people are becoming intolerant," said a source.
An unconfirmed report says the group Moe Pyar is made up of youth and that there are over 100 people in it.