Tatmadaw pressures NMSP to withdraw C-19 medical checkpoint near TPP border

Tatmadaw pressures NMSP to withdraw C-19 medical checkpoint near TPP border
  Photo-An area where NMSP medical checkpoint got removed (MNA)
Photo-An area where NMSP medical checkpoint got removed (MNA)

Pressure from the Tatmadaw caused the New Mon State Party (NMSP) to withdraw their checkpoint at the entrance of Palaung Japan and Battalion 3 near Three Pagoda Pass (TPP) this morning. The check point was put in place to screen people for C-19.  

“We have heard that the Tatmadaw forces came to Three Pagoda Pass area and asked to close down the [medical] screening point. The health check point is no longer there since this morning,” reported a Palaung Japan villager who wished to remain anonymous.

The Mon News Agency (MNA) tried to call the NMSP’s Three Pagoda Pass Township office to ask why the medical checkpoint was forced to close. However, the phone was off.

After the NMSP held an online conference with the Government’s C-19 Coordinating Committee on May 12th, Nai Aung Ma Ngae, a spokesperson for the NMSP told the MNA that “if the health check/ screening point is in the mixed area with the government, we should wear Mon (attire), give prior notice of where you will be working and avoid confrontation.”

To help control the spread of  C-19, the NMSP established 18 medical checkpoints within their permanent military bases.

According to a ceasefire agreement with the government, Palaung Japan village is located within a 5-mile radius of the NMSP permanent military base.

The Karen National Union (KNU) medical checkpoint established in Thaton District in Mon State, is also located in a mixed territory with the government. It  was also forced to remove its checkpoint on April 30 due to pressure from Myanmar Tatmadaw.

  Photo-An area where NMSP medical checkpoint got removed (MNA) 

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