Vote "No" and wait a decade for elections: Referendum Commission

Vote "No" and wait a decade for elections: Referendum Commission
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As the referendum draws near the Burmese military regime is stepping up its aggressive campaign. The referendum commission in Mon state has told residents that they would have to wait a decade for general elections if they cast a "No" vote. The declaration was made yesterday in Mudon Township even as opposition parties and activists were campaigning among the people to reject the draft constitution.
As the referendum draws near the Burmese military regime is stepping up its aggressive campaign. The referendum commission in Mon state has told residents that they would have to wait a decade for general elections if they cast a "No" vote. The declaration was made yesterday in Mudon Township even as opposition parties and activists were campaigning among the people to reject the draft constitution.

The five member commission encouraged the people to cast the "Yes" vote after explaining how to vote in May 2008 at Kyaik Roa village.

A member of the commission said "If you do not vote 'Yes', you have to wait ten more years to get this chance again," a participant from the village told IMNA.

The military regime sent the commission to Mon state in the beginning of last month. Meanwhile the opposition party, National League for Democracy (NLD), has asked the people to cast the "No" vote.

Even as the junta is telling people to cast the "Yes" vote, Mon activists are distributing a pamphlet about the draft constitution that states that the junta is seeking to perpetuate its rule in the country and there would be precious little rights for the Mon people. It is encouraging people to cast the "No" vote.

According to Mon activists who are urging people to vote "No", the pamphlet was distributed in a majority of Mon villages in southern Moulmein (Mawlamyaine) the capital of Mon.

The pamphlet also asks the Mon community not to support "Nai Aung Naing" group which split from the New Mon State Party and surrendered to the junta. The pamphlet also says that Nai Aung Naing' group is betraying the nation.

The TPDC has threatened that those who cast "No" votes in the referendum will be investigated.