Junta to announce voters' list week before referendum

Junta to announce voters' list week before referendum
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Kachin News Group
The voters' list will be announced a week before the referendum to approve the draft constitution in May. The announcement was made by the Burmese military junta authorities in Myitkyina, the capital of Kachin State in northern Burma.
The voters' list will be announced a week before the referendum to approve the draft constitution in May. The announcement was made by the Burmese military junta authorities in Myitkyina, the capital of Kachin State in northern Burma.
The Township chairman, U San Aung told quarter authorities at a meeting yesterday, held at the Township Peace and Development Council office (TPDC or Ma-Ya-Ka),  to submit the voters list to the chairman's office before April 15 and to distribute it in the quarter before the referendum.  The township office will announce the voter's list seven days before polling date, a participant at the meeting said.
According to a school teacher who attended the meeting, the Township chairman told them that all citizens have to vote for the constitutional referendum because it has taken 14 years to draft the constitution. If citizens do not vote many problems would surface.
The government will set up polling booths at the school or Da-mar-yon (community hall for religious purpose). One ballot box will be earmarked for 1,000 voters.  There will be five members in the polling booth commission and if the number of votes cast is between 1,000 and 2,000, there may be seven members, a school teacher added.
"During the meeting, we were told by the township immigration officer to take care of the polling booth and were instructed on how to monitor the booths," said a participant. "We also received the guide book from the members of the polling booth commission," she added.
However, the government has not announced the polling date even though it has fixed the time for voting.  The voters have to cast votes between 6 a.m. and 4 p.m.