Nominees for region and state ministers approved by Parliament

Nominees for region and state ministers approved by Parliament
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Continung his business of forming a new government, Burmese President Thein Sein submitted a list of approved ministers for region and state assemblies during a joint session of Parliament on Tuesday...

Chiang Mai (Mizzima) – Continung his business of forming a new government, Burmese President Thein Sein submitted a list of approved ministers for region and state assemblies during a joint session of Parliament on Tuesday.

One candidate minister’s name was removed from the list after opposition lawmakers submitted a petition objecting to the Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP) lawmaker Kwi Thang’s nomination as a minister, because he is under age 35, said Chin National Party (CNP) chairman Zo Zam.

The chief minister of Chin State, Hong Ngai, nominated Kwi Thang as a minister on Monday, but Zo Zam said Kwi Thang, 34, does not meet the criteria to be appointed according to the Constitution.  Eleven CNP lawmakers and the Chin Progressive Party (CPP) signed the petition and submitted it to President Thein Sein.

Zo Zam said the letter was submitted on Tuesday and when President Thein Sein read the list of ministers, Kwi Thang’s name was not included.

State-run newspapers on Tuesday had included Kwi Thang’s name on a list of approved ministers of Chin State.
Three women have received approval as region or state ministers. They are Bauk Ja of Sumprabum Township Constituency No. 1; Shan race representative and Minister of Kachin State Khin Pyone Yi; and Region Minister of Rangoon Division, San San Nwe.

Karen People’s Party (KPP) chairman Saw Tun Aung Myint said that the number of female ministers was small and more women were needed. He said he believed that the nominations were based on the lawmakers’ level of  education.

In the national cabinet, only three women out of a total of 155 ministers (126 ministers of regions or states and 29 race representative) are women.

‘I think the chief minister appointed the ministers based on his personal preference, whether man or woman. The ministers should be educated persons. But in our Chin State, the highest education of some ministers is grade eight or nine’,  Zo Zam said.

At the union level, none of the 22 female lawmakers in Parliament were appointed as cabinet ministers. In the recent election, more than 30 wome won their races. 

Most of the region or state ministers nominated are from representatives of the USDP or the armed forces.
Among nine nominees from each region or state, at least six are USDP representatives and one is a military representative. At most, there are two nominees from ethnic political parties, including Shan, Mon, Arakan, Karen and Phalon-Sawaw in each region or state.

Approved region and state minister nominees include:

Kachin State
Approved ministers of Kachin State are Defence Services Personnel Representative Colonel Than Aung, Nyunt Aung, B. Htaw Zaung, Alay Par, Kaman Du Naw, Aung Naing, Sai Maung Shwe, Khin Maung Tun, and Bauk Ja. Women include Burmese national race representative Pa (aka) Khin Maung Swe, Shan national race representative Khin Pyone Yi, Lihsu national race representative Ar Hsi and Rawan national race representative Gwam Ring Dee were nominated as ministers for National Race Affairs.

Kareenni State
Approved ministers of Karenni State are Defence Services Personnel Representative Colonel Tin Soe, Tau Yei, Chit Hla,Ye Win, Saw Hu Hu, Koe Yei, Than Kyaw Soe, Poe Yei (aka) Poe Yei Yan Aung, and Aung Naing Oo. Burmese national race representative Sein Oo has been nominated as the minister for National Race Affairs.

Karen State
Approved ministers of Karen State are Defence Services Personnel Representative Colonel Aung Lwin, Chit Hlaing, Saw Khin Maung Myint, Min Soe Thein (aka) Naing Min Soe Thein, Saw Christopher, Saw Hsa Law La, Than Daing, Saw Win Htein and Saw Kyi Lin. Burmese national race representative Khin Kyu, Pa-O national race representative Khun Than Myint and Mon national race representative Naing Chit Oo were nominated as ministers for National Race Affairs.

Mon State
Approved ministers of Mon State are Defence Services Personnel Representative Colonel Htay Myint Aung, Dr Khin Maung Thwin, Dr Toe Toe Aung, Dr Hla Oo, Myo Nyunt, Win Maw Oo, Tun Hlaing, Naing Lawei Aung and Dr Min Nwe Soe. Karen national race representative Aung Kyaw Thein, Pa-O national race representative Pe Mya (aka) Kun Pe Mya and Burmese national representative Thet Win were nominated as ministers for National Race Affairs.

Arakan State
Approved State Ministers are Defence Services Personnel Representative Colonel Htein Lin, Kyaw Khin, Kyaw Thein, Soe Aye, Mya Aung, Tha Luche, Dr Aung Kyaw Min, Aung Than Tin and Hla Han. Chin national race representative Ko Ko Naing was nominated as minister for National Race Affairs.

Shan State
Approved ministers are Defence Services Personnel Representative Colonel Aung Thu, Kun Thein Maung, Thaung Shwe, Dr Myo Tun, Tu Maung, Sai Aik Paung, Sai Hsalu, Sai Naw Khan, Tin Tun Aung, and Sai Tun Yin.  Sai Aik Paung is the chairman of Shan nationalities Democratic Party.

Kachin national representative Duwa Zok Dong, Kayan (Padaung) national race representative Laurent, Burmese national representative Naing Win, Lahu national representative Sha Mwe Lashang, Lishu national representative Whan Hsan (aka) Yaw Wi, Akha national representative Peter Thaung Sein and Inntha national representative Win Myint were nominated for ministers for National Race Affairs.

Sagaing Division
Approved ministers of Sagaing Region are Defence Services Personnel Representative Colonel Kyi Naing, Sein Win, Saw Myint Oo, Sein Moung, Than Htaik, Tin Ngwe, Dr Myint Thein, Tin Win and Kyaw Win. Chin national race representative Noh Thang Bell (aka) Noh Thang Kat and Shan national race representative San Shwe were nominated as the ministers for National Race Affairs.

Taninsarim Division
Approved ministers of Taninsarim Region are Defence Services Personnel Representative Colonel Zaw Lwin, Myat Ko, Dr Win Aung, Dr Win Aung, Than Aung, Dr Kyaw Hsan, Win Swe, Thein Lwin, and Aung Kyaw Kyaw Oo. Karen national representative Saw Harvey was nominated  minister for National Race Affairs.

Pegu Division
Approved ministers of Pegu Division are Defence Services Personnel Representative Colonel Thet Tun, Ye Myint Tun, Myint Lwin Oo, Dr Kyaw Oo, Kyaw Myint, Tun, Tin Soe, Kyaw Htay, and Baby Ohn. Karen national representative Saw Jubilee San Hla was nominated as minister for National Race Affairs.

Magway Division
Approved ministers are Defence Services Personnel Representative Colonel Arnt Zaw, Win Myint Maung, Win Pe, Nay Shin, Aung Kyaw Min, Aung Naing, Kyi Min, Thein Tun, and Myint Naing.

Chin national representative Salai Hla Tun was nominated as  minister for National Race Affairs. 

Mandalay Division
Approved ministers of Mandalay Division are Defence Services Personnel Representative Colonel Aung Kyaw Moe, Aung Zan, Myint Than, Dr Win Hlaing, Phone Zaw Han, Kyaw Hsan, Than Soe Myint, Dr Myint Kyu and Aung Moung. Phone Zaw Han is the mayor of Mandalay. Shan national representative Sai Maung Hla was nominated as  minister for National Race Affairs. 

Rangoon Division
Approved ministers of Rangoon Division are Defence Services Personnel Representative Colonel Tin Win, Retired ambassador Hla Myint, retired Colonel Nyan Tun Oo, Soe Min, Kyaw Soe, Than Myint, Aung Khin, San San Nwe and Dr Myint Thein. Retired Colonel Nyan Tun Oo is a brother-in-law of Nanda Kyaw Swar, who is the deputy speaker of the Upper House. Karen national representative Saw Tun Aung Myint and Arakanese national representative Zaw Aye Maung were nominated as ministers for National Race Affairs. 

Irrawaddy Division
Approved ministers of Irrawaddy Division are Defence Services Personnel Representative Colonel Maung Maung Win, Tin Soe, Win Ko Ko, Hla Khaing, Soe Myint, San Maung, Than Tun, Saw Mya Thein and Kyaw Win Naing. Karen national representative Mahn Than Shwe and Arakanese national representative Ba Kyuu were nominated as ministers for National Race Affairs.