Changed titles creates little change in drug lord's status

Changed titles creates little change in drug lord's status
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Wei Xuegang, a Chinese-Wa leader who is wanted both in Thailand and the United States, swapped offices with his deputy in the finance ministry in November, but that has done very little to alter his standing among his peers, according to Hawkeye who recently returned to the border.
Wei Xuegang, a Chinese-Wa leader who is wanted both in Thailand and the United States, swapped offices with his deputy in the finance ministry in November, but that has done very little to alter his standing among his peers, according to Hawkeye who recently returned to the border.
One reason is that the new finance minister of the Wa government, Bao Youliang, younger brother of the ailing Wa supremo Bao Youxiang, is still uncomfortable in his new post, said a Wa insider in Panghsang. "Another is that all the money-makers: pills (methamphetamine), No. 4 (heroin), timber, minerals, CDs, gas lighters etc are still under Wei's firm hands," he added.
The object of the exercise might be that pushing Wei too much in the limelight would not have served the Wa cause, according to another source. "Wei does not seem to mind, as far as I know," he said.
Wei (62)who has $2million on his head, likes to wear a camouflage jacket, always pulling the zip up to his neck, "as though he's afraid his skin is too tender for sunlight," according to a source who occasionally sees him. "He rarely sleeps at night. He spends time watching TV, DVDs or reading books. Time for bed for him is only when daylight comes."
Wei took over the responsibility for Wa finances, after the Wa opium ban came into effect in June 2005, and the expected foreign assistance came only in trickles.
He also appears to be secure from any attempt on his life by his bitter rival Wei Hsaitang aka Ta Htang, who was jailed in 2002 on information reportedly produced by him. Ta Htang has been released last year, according to a Wa security official, but has been moved north to Namteuk aka Namtit on the Wa-Kokang-Yunnan triangle to live under the custody of Ta Ai Roong, Namteuk mayor and Bao Youxiang's favourite nephew.
Wei Xuegang, also written Wei Hsuehkang, has been known as the 'remote control' of the United Wa State Army (UWSA) since it was established after the fall of the Communist Party of Burma (CPB) in 1989. A native of Xuangjiang county in Yunnan, he fled with his family to Burma following Communist victory in China. He joined Khun Sa in 1964 and became his banker. Falling out with Khun Sa he teamed up with the UWSA in 1989.