Mon party wins 16 out of 34 parliamentary seats

Mon party wins 16 out of 34 parliamentary seats
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All Mon Region Democracy Party (AMDP) won 16 out of their 34 candidates in Mon State, Karen State, and Tenesserim Division in the election yesterday...

IMNA : All Mon Region Democracy Party (AMDP) won 16 out of their 34 candidates in Mon State, Karen State, and Tenesserim Division in the election yesterday.

AMDP logoAMDP received three seats in the People’s Parliament (Pyithu Hluttaw), four in the National Parliament (Amyotha Hluttaw), four in the State parliament No. 1, five seats in the State parliament No. 2, and one sear in the Ethnic Minority Affairs Parliament in Karen State.

AMDP received no seats in Moulmein, the capitol of Mon State.

People’s Parliament

  1. Daw Myint Myint Than – Ye, Mon State
  2. U Hla Maung – Chaung Zone, Mon State
  3. U Thein Aung – Thanphyuzayart, Mon State
  4. U Win Myint – Kawkareik, Karen State

National Parliament

  1. Nai Banyar Aung Moe – Ye, Mon State
  2. U Kyaw Thein – Chaung zone, Mon State
  3. U Htun Ohn – Thanphyuzayart, Mon State
  4. Min Myoe Tint Lwin – Kawkareik, Karen State

State Parliament No. 1

  1. Dr Min Ngwe Soe – Mudon, Mon State
  2. Nai Lawi Aung – Ye, Mon State
  3. Min Aung Naing Oo – Chaung zone, Mon State

State Parliament No. 2

  1. Nai Thein Han – Ye, Mon State
  2. Nai San Tin – Kyaikmayaw, Mon State
  3. U Naing Oo (a) U Win – Thanphyuzayart, Mon State
  4. Min Chan Myint – Paung, Mon State
  5. Min Soe Thien – Kawkareik, Karen State

Ethnic Minority Affairs Parliament

  1. Nai Chit Oo – Karen Stat

The result of Tenasserim Division has not coming up yet.