Enumerators in Bhamo district in a spot

Enumerators in Bhamo district in a spot
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Kachin News Group
Enumerators, compiling voter's lists in Bhamo district in Kachin State of Northern Burma have run into rough weather while compiling eligible list of voters in the district, said local sources.
Enumerators, compiling voter's lists in Bhamo district in Kachin State of Northern Burma have run into rough weather while compiling eligible list of voters in the district, said local sources.
The main problem they face is that the collectors cannot travel to all villages in the district because they have not been granted any Travel Allowance (TA) by the authorities, said immigration officers in the district. 
Currently, the teams of enumerators, including immigration personnel, members in Military Affairs Security Unit (Sa-Ya-Pha), policemen, volunteers and school teacher volunteers cannot travel any more in the districts on their own salaries, personnel who are involved in the process told KNG.
However, Burma's ruling junta has ordered that all civilians above 18 years of age be included in the list of voters by issuing them three-folded temporary National Registration Cards (NRC) at no cost by March.
According to a local in Bhamo district, the enumerator teams demand 2,000 kyats (est. US $ 2) for each temporary NRC in Bhamo Township, between 1,500 kyats – 3,000 kyats for temporary NRC in Momauk Township and Chinese Yuan 80 – 1,000 (US $ 11 – 143) in villages close to the Sino-Burma border in Manje (Mansi) Township.
Again, 5,000 kyats (est. US $ 5) has been demanded for a new family unit document in the villagers of Manwin Gyi on the Namkham-Bhamo trade road in Manje Township, said locals.
At the moment, the work of enumeration is underway in both controlled areas of the ruling junta and Kachin Independence Organization (KIO) in Bhamo district, said local people.
The ruling junta is enrolling voters in the whole country for holding the constitutional referendum in May and general elections in 2010.