Thai authorities crack down on Burmese ethnic Karen rebel groups

Thai authorities crack down on Burmese ethnic Karen rebel groups
by -
Loa Htaw
Thai authorities today cracked down on Burmese ethnic Karens in Mae Sot Thai-Burma border township where many of Karen National Union's (KNU) main offices are located, said KNU officials.
Thai authorities today cracked down on Burmese ethnic Karens in Mae Sot Thai-Burma border township where many of Karen National Union's (KNU) main offices are located, said KNU officials. 
The crackdown started just after Thailand 's new Prime Minister visited Burma recently. The crackdown could be linked to the visit, said KNU spokesperson David Taw.
Thai authorities this morning investigated and have arrested five members of the Karen University Student Group (KUSG) who do not have documents, said Saw Ni Kyi one of the members.
The Thai authorities also investigated other KNU offices and officials' homes, said an official of KNU.
According to the editor of Karen Information Center (KIC), the Thai government seems to be cooperating with the Burmese junta and is cracking down on the KNU in order to pressure the KNU to move out of Mae Sot.
Many KNU offices in Mae Sot have been closed down and many leaders have moved to their controlled areas, said KIC editor Naw Khaing Mar Kyaw Zaw.
"The international community will not just watch what the Thai and Burmese governments are doing to pressurize the KNU. It may face difficulties by this action but it will exist," she added.  
The KNU, through its armed wing the KNLA, has been fighting for greater autonomy since 1949.
The KNU and the junta reached a 'gentleman's agreement' in 2003, but it quickly broke down and Burma Army began a bloody offensive against the Karens, which activists say has targeted ordinary villagers rather than rebels.
According to the Human Rights Watch about 500,000 people have been displaced by the violence. Up to 150,000 Karen refugees also live in camps along the Thai-Burma border and many of them have been there for more than 20 years.