Karen state election commission allays voters’ fears

Karen state election commission allays voters’ fears
by -
Saw Thein Myint

In a bid to allay fears that the elections may not be free and fair, U Saw Aung Pwint, Chairman of the Karen State....

In a bid to allay fears that the elections may not be free and fair, U Saw Aung Pwint, Chairman of the Karen State Election Commission has said voters in Karen State can vote for whichever party they chose to.

“Every voter has the right to vote for his favourite party. The laws have been framed for it. It’s a secret voting system,” U Saw Aung Pwint told KIC.

The State Election Commission sent ballot boxes to the Township Election Commission last month. Polling stations will be set up just before the date of the election.

Despite the Election Commission’s assurance there is something missing in reality, Nan Say Awar, a candidate of the Phalon-Sawaw Democratic Party contesting from the Pa-an constituency No.1, said.

“The Election Commission’s assurances notwithstanding when we go to villages we see some strong political parties have been giving incentives to locals like repairing roads in Karen State. In some villages, the junta backed political party the USDP forcibly recruited 50 members from each village. Some of the recruited people are our party members,” Naw Say Awar said.

Locals are unaware of how to cast votes in the election. Therefore, the PSDP is explaining how to vote when it campaigns in rural areas of Karen State.

“According to campaigns and demonstration on how to vote by actresses and actors on television, I get the impression one can vote freely for one’s favourite political party. I am not sure what will happen in reality,” a voter from Kawkareik township said.

“I am not going to vote even if the polls are free and fair. I am disappointed because the regime is doing whatever it wants. The regime might count our votes as theirs,” a voter from Pa-an said.

The Union Solidarity and Development Party, the National Unity Party, Kayin People’s Party, Phalon-Sawaw Democratic Party, All Mon Regions Democracy Party and Kayin State Democracy and Development Party will contest in the election in Karen State.

Currently, most political parties and their candidates are campaigning for votes in Karen State but some parties are yet to start.

There are over 500,000 voters in 12 constituencies in seven townships in Karen State.