Funeral service for Mon national leader Nai Ngwe Thein to be held at Yayway Cemetery on Saturday

Funeral service for Mon national leader Nai Ngwe Thein to be held at Yayway Cemetery on Saturday

The funeral service for Mon national leader Nai Ngwe Thein (age 96) will be held at Yayway Cemetery Hall (1-A) in Yangon at 3 pm on October 6 and he will be cremated at 4 pm, according to his family members.

Nai Ngwe Thein died of old age at 5:52 pm on October 2 at his home in Yangon.

“Everyone will gather and depart from Mon Dhammayone in Mawlamyaing at 6 am on October 6 to attend the funeral in Yangon. We expect at least 50 people from each township. [People] from the Karen State and Tanintharyi Region will also come,” said Nai Layih Tamarh from Nai Ngwe Thein’s Funeral Service Coordination Committee from Mawlamyaing.

After the funeral, a meal will be offered to the monks on the seventh day of his death at his home in Yankin Township, Yangon on October 8.

The burial urn of Nai Ngwe Thein will be temporary placed at Mawlamyaing Mon Dhammayone before burying it near Mon leader Nai Tun Thein and Nai Thein Maung’s tombs in Paung.

Nai Ngwe Thein was born to parents Nai Thar Dun Aung and Mi Ngwe Thone at Htone Aing Village in Hpa-an Township, Karen State on March 19, 1923. He led the students’ boycott against the British colonial government at the age of 15 in Pyapone while he was a high school student.

Nai Ngwe Thein served as the leader of the Mon People’s Front, vice-chair of the Mon National Democracy Party, chair of the Mon Democracy Party, and chair and honorary patron of the Mon National Party.

During his lifetime, he gave priority to politics and Mon national affairs and he was well-known in Myanmar politics as a veteran politician and Mon national leader who had been imprisoned several times.

He is survived by his only son Min Tin Naing Oo (Norstar Crew Management Co., Ltd), daughter-in-law Daw Su Su Win, and grandson Min Paing Myo Khant.

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