Area settlement and amassing military power can be circumvented - JMC-U Chairman

Area settlement and amassing military power can be circumvented - JMC-U Chairman
JMC-U Chairman Lt-Gen Yar Pyae (C).
JMC-U Chairman Lt-Gen Yar Pyae (C).

During the 18th meeting of the Union-level Joint Monitoring Committee (JMC-U) held at the National Reconciliation and Peace Centre (NRPC) in Yangon yesterday, JMC-U Chairman Lt-Gen Yar Pyae called for all sides to avoid area settlement and amassing military power so that armed conflicts can be circumvented while everyone is working to build trust among each other. The chairman said that these acts can breed suspicion and gave warnings to avoid any measures that can trigger conflicts, according to state media.

He urged avoiding armed conflicts as they bring negative consequences for the concerned organization and local residents Area settlement, amassing military power should be avoided to prevent armed conflicts while building trust: JMC-U Chairman involved.

He said the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) contains facts that military forces have agreed to follow to reduce armed conflicts. He said the representatives of the Ethnic Armed Organizations (EAOs) are all aware of the mutually agreed upon facts and principles to reduce armed conflicts and it is up to everyone to ensure they are being followed.

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