Monks in exile urge people to boycott and rise against junta

Monks in exile urge people to boycott and rise against junta
by -
Nay Thwin
Chiang Mai - In a major development, for the first time since the September 2007 protests, a monk's organization has exhorted people both inside and outside Burma to rise against and boycott the Burmese military junta and its seven-point road map including the referendum. The call is being dubbed "a battle cry by the monks".
Chiang Mai - In a major development, for the first time since the September 2007 protests, a monk's organization has exhorted people both inside and outside Burma to rise against and boycott the Burmese military junta and its seven-point road map including the referendum. The call is being dubbed "a battle cry by the monks".
The call comes from the Burmese monks' organization in exile and the statement is signed by Badanta Kawida Biwuntha (Masoyane monastery senior abbot) of the All Burma Monks Association (ABMA) or Sasana Moli. It urges both the people and monks inside Burma and monks and pro-democracy activists in exile to join hands and boycott the regime and its plans from April 26, 2008.
Ashin Pyinyar Zawta, who was the 'Taikot' abbot of Maggin monastery in Thingangyun Township, Rangoon and is now living on the Thai-Burma border said, "The monks have expressed their dislike of the referendum to be held in May. We have communicated our position to other organizations, political parties and pro-democracy forces. We alert and remind them to remain prepared."
Ashin Pyinyar Zawta, the senior abbot, is a patron of the ABMA and played a key role in preparing the ground before the saffron revolution.
The statement released on Thursday urged members of the ABMA across the world, pro-democracy forces, various organizations, the monks inside Burma, students and people, workers, farmers and genuine people's soldiers that they should raise the banner of revolt on April 26 bravely, and simultaneously go for a boycott inside and outside the country along with the Sasana Moli.
Ashin Pyinyar Zawta said, "The people are divided on how to oppose the junta. Some are calling for a 'NO' vote, some want a boycott of the referendum. These options are being considered. We have presented an alternative plan. The monks have pointed out to the people that there is an alternative way to protest against the junta's plans. These are neither boycott nor 'NO' vote. We will show the alternative way where the people should take to the streets and chant slogans."
U Sandaw Bathasara from ABMA New York, US Chapter said, "We are still observing the Ex-communicative boycott against the regime. This means we cannot recognize what the regime is doing. So we urge the people in Burma to join hands with the Sasana Moli in protesting against the national referendum. In this way, the stage of boycotting or casting 'NO' vote will not be reached otherwise it will seem as if we are assisting the regime in their game plan. Thus we believe that we cannot let the referendum take place. An uprising is badly needed before the referendum stage is reached".
"This is a battle cry by the monks. We are pleased to see that monks are actively participating in this national struggle. We recognize them for their activities. We prefer coordination with the pro-democracy forces in every action of ours", he added.
Sasana Moli was formed in Los Angeles, California State, US on October 27, 2007. Now chapters have been formed in US, UK, Europe, Canada, Bangladesh, New Zealand, Australia, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Sri Lanka and India totaling over a dozen countries.
The US based Sasana Moli HQ will chant paritta in front of UN office in New York, preaching sermons, holding religious observance for fallen martyrs among monks and people who sacrificed their lives and hold a peaceful protest march in procession on April 26.