Mon Women's Organization awards four Mon women

Mon Women's Organization awards four Mon women
by -
Mon Son, Mi Kyae Goe
The Mon Women's Organization awarded four Mon women on Mon Women's Day on March 18 in Nyi Sar near New Mon State Party (NMSP) Headquarters, southern Ye township, Mon state.
The Mon Women's Organization awarded four Mon women on Mon Women's Day on March 18 in Nyi Sar near New Mon State Party (NMSP) Headquarters, southern Ye township, Mon state. 
The awards were given to empower Mon women and give a boost to their morale. The four award winners included Mi Kyaik Soi Mon from the Mon National Liberation Army while the rest are from the Mon Education Department. The four women have been working for the Mon community for more than 25 years.
Over 50 people including Nai Hong Sar, general secretary of the NMSP, Central Committee member Mi Sar Dar, monks and representatives of Mon Women's Organization across Mon state joined the Mon Women's Day celebrations.
The political movement of Mon women is not gathering momentum; therefore we require to raise the awareness level of women, said Nai Hong Sar. 
A monk who attended said "I want Mon women to participate in politics and national movements more than before".
Mon Women's Day was held on the Mon Queen Banya Htau's (Shin Saw Bu) birthday.  The Women's Day was held to honour the queen. She was the daughter of the famous Mon King Raijadhiraj who ruled Hongsarwatoi.
MWO also organized a Mon Women's conference after celebrating Mon Women's Day to discuss about Mon women and education, health, politics, development, and religion. The aims and objectives of the Mon Women's Organization while holding the Mon Women's Day were to uplift the knowledge of women and work for their empowerment in the community, to gather women to lead in politics and to accept gender equality between males and females.